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A fusion of hopes for Korea – Nuclear agreement rivets Koreans in metro Atlanta

Sunny K Park • October 10, 2023

Sunny K. Park is on a roll.

The Rev. James Chongho Kim may reap an additional benefit from a landmark agreement with North Korea to dismantle its nuclear weapons program.

Perhaps he won’t be that “Yankee” anymore.

“We’re sandwiched between Korea and America,” said Kim, the 48-year-old pastor of the Korean Church of Atlanta, United Methodist Church, in Duluth. “Korea is our motherland, America is our fatherland. You don’t want to see your mother and father fighting.”

Kim’s father was born in North Korea and was the only one of six siblings to escape to the South. Kim still has relatives living in the Communist North and for that reason, he wants to see peace in the region.

Like many Koreans in metro Atlanta, particularly older immigrants, Kim has followed closely the developments in Asia involving North Korea, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea and the United States.

Last week, in six-party talks in Beijing, North Korea agreed to shelve its nuclear weapons program in exchange for economic aid, enhanced diplomatic recognition, security guarantees and the possibility of receiving help to build a nuclear reactor to generate electricity.

While much of the language in the diplomatic agreement is vague, Kim has hope for the talks, which are set to resume in November.

“This very significantly eases the tension,” said Kim, who recently returned from a Methodist relief conference in both South and North Korea. “If it hadn’t gone well, it could have caused anti-Americanism to rise up.”

Most Korean Americans oppose North Korea’s Communist government but have sympathy for the people — some are distant family members separated for decades by war and geography. Perhaps no issue is greater in the Korean American community than peace, even reunification, said Han S. Park, director of the Center for the Study of Global Issues at the University of Georgia.

According to census figures, nearly 30,000 people of Korean ancestry live in metro Atlanta, although community leaders put that figure much higher.

Sang Shim, managing editor of the weekly Korean Journal in Doraville, said his office has received about 200 calls from readers.

“The Korean community is in favor of the agreement,” said Shim, who was born in Seoul, South Korea, and immigrated to the United States two years ago. “They see this as a positive step.”

Shim and others, however, warn that North Korea has promised before to abandon its nuclear program, only to restart it.

In a 1994 agreement brokered by former President Jimmy Carter, Pyongyang agreed to abandon nuclear weapons development and allow verification by inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency. As part of the pact, North Korea was to receive two light water nuclear reactors to produce electricity.

President Bush suspended talks with North Korea in 2001 pending a policy review. North Korea claimed the United States had not met its commitments in the 1994 agreement.

By 2002, Pyongyang had thrown out the inspectors, and U.S. officials were claiming North Korea had resumed pursuing nuclear weapons.

So it was with wariness that Shim and others watched the rhetoric coming from Pyongyang in the days after the most recent agreement.

When North Korea asked for the power plants as a first condition of the deal, many local Koreans felt justified in their skepticism about the disarmament promises.

“Most people really want to believe it, but they don’t,” said Gwinnett businessman Sunny Park, founder of the Good Neighboring Foundation Inc., which helps immigrants become a part of the American community. “North Korea has lost its credibility.”

Experts say the agreement represents a positive step but they stop short of labeling it a final pact.

The United States and other nations worry that if North Korea continues to build its nuclear program, it will further destabilize the region.

“I wasn’t excited,” said Park, who is also the founder of Uniting Families, a nonprofit group that helps to unite North Korean and South Korean families separated during the Cold War.

Park criticized the vagueness of the document but understood the reasons.

“All the parties, especially the United States and North Korea, desperately needed to go home with some accomplishment on the diplomatic front. They agreed to basically disagree and to avoid sensitive matters and postpone them for future meetings. None of the important matters were settled.”

Among the unresolved issues: how to monitor North Korea’s uranium enrichment program and when the economic aid will begin.

John E. Endicott, a professor at Georgia Tech’s Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, said the pact is “on the right track.”

“It’s going to take a lot more very serious negotiations because obviously the American side and the Korean side have very different views as to the meaning of some of the words and phases.”

While the situation remains tense, “it’s very much improved,” Endicott said.

Former U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young said he expects North Korea will be careful in its negotiations. China is applying some pressure because it wants to stabilize the region, and North Korea needs the economic aid promised in the pact.

“They will put aside some of their bluster and start acting like they have some sense,” Young said. “They’re not crazy, but they play crazy to get some attention.”

Highlights of the agreement issued by six nations participating in the North Korean nuclear talks:
U.S. promise
The United States declares it has no nuclear arms on the Korean peninsula and no intention to attack or invade North Korea.
Mutual respect
North Korea and the United States pledge to respect each other’s sovereignty, coexist peacefully and work to normalize relations.
Energy assistance
China, Russia, South Korea, Japan and the United States to give North Korea energy assistance, including electricity from South Korea.
No-nuclear promise
South Korea reaffirms it won’t deploy nuclear weapons and affirms it has none on its territory.
Weapons agreement
North Korea to give up nuclear weapons and nuclear programs, return at an early date to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and submit to International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards
Work on ties
North Korea and Japan agree to work to normalize ties.
— Associated Press

By Sunny K Park December 17, 2024
김영삼 전 대통령의 서거 소식을 들으니 그분이 미국의 한인들에게 당부한 말씀이 새삼 생각난다. 그분과는 백악관 만찬에서 잠시 만난 게 전부지만 미국 한인들의 장래를 걱정하며 과감하게 대화를 이끌던 모습이 생생하다. 그는 한국 정가를 기웃거리던 한인의 일부가 줄기차게 제기한 '교민청' 설치 요청에 확실하게 결론을 냈다. "이민 갔으면 그곳에서 뿌리내리고 잘살아라. 모국에 기대 걸어봐야 '국물'도 없다." '고국 발전에 기여하고 싶다'는 일부 한인의 희망에 대해서도 "'미꾸라지'급인 현재의 한인 사회로는 용도 미달이니 '잉어'급 정도로 커진 다음에 보자"고 했다. 그는 한인들과 만날 때마다 "현지에서 뿌리내리고 충실한 미국 국민으로 살아가라"고 당부했다. 재미 한인의 '응석'을 단호하게 거절하며 이민자로서 긍지를 갖고 살라고 주문하는 그에게 실질적 지도자라는 인상을 받았다. 지금 미국 한인 사회에서는 한국 국회의원 선거를 위한 선거인 명부 등록 캠페인이 벌어지고 있다. 머지않아 각 정당의 입후보자들이 나타나 한인회와 향우회 등을 동원해 득표 활동을 벌일 것이다. 그러면 이른바 '한인 사회 지도자'들도 덩달아 활동할 것이다. 지금 미국은 내년 대선 캠페인이 한창인데 많은 이의 관심이 이곳 생활과 직접 관련 없는 한국 총선에 가있는 듯하다. 많은 한인이 볼 때 한인 사회에서의 한국 선거운동은 우리 이민자들이 미국에 뿌리내리고 사는 데 오히려 장애가 되고 있다. 우리들이 가진 몇 표를 얻기 위해 동포 사회를 한국에서처럼 동과 서, 그리고 남과 북 출신 그룹으로 분열시키는 한국 정치인들의 염치없는 행태를 서거한 김영삼 대통령이 보았으면 무어라고 할까 궁금하다. 이민 온 우리 같은 사람들이 우선시해야 할 일은 현지 정착과 동화이다. 고국이 잘되길 바라는 마음이야 누구나 같지만, 이민을 했으면 이민자답게 그 나라 국민으로서 성숙한 모습을 보여야 한다. 우리 한인 사회의 진정한 발전을 걱정하는 한국의 정치 집단은 없다고 본다. 함량 미달 '지도자'들이 대표하는 오합지졸 한인 사회를 자신의 이익을 위해 이용하려는 자들만 있을 뿐이다. 후세를 위해 다시 한 번 결심하자. 올바른 소속감을 갖지 못하면 어디서건 쓸모없는 집단으로 남는다. 우리가 애지중지 키우고, 빚내서 공부시키는 아들 딸에게도 악영향을 준다. 출처:
By Sunny K Park December 17, 2024
박 회장, 대학 졸업식에서 축하 연설
By Sunny K Park December 5, 2024
Join us this Friday to welcome Atlanta Rotarian Sunny K. Park, Chief Executive Janitor of General Building Maintenance, President of Global Sun Investments and a member of Georgia Banking Company Board. You can join in person at Le Meridien or via Zoom at Sunny is a 2000 USO Patriot Award recipient and one of Most Influential Atlantans by JAMES Magazine and Atlanta Business Chronicle in multiple years. He is an Executive in Residence of Georgia State University, lecturing regularly. Mr. Park immigrated to the United States in 1974 with no money. Today, as an indicator of his business acumen, he has successfully achieved his goal of paying $1 million in income tax annually. A native of South Korea, served as Commissioner of the White House Advisory Commission and Vice Chairman of Georgia Ports Authority. Mr. Park serves or served multiple nonprofit boards; National Guard’s Youth Foundation that supports programs for high school dropouts; USO Georgia; National Center for Civil and Human Rights; Carter Center Board of Councilors; Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation Board; Atlanta Rotary Club Board; Emeritus board member of Berry College and Junior Achievements Georgia; Serves Sandy Springs City for City Charter Review Board and Development Authority; National Museum of Patriotism Board; Georgia Public Policy Foundation; Shepherd Center Hospital; Emory University Board of Visitors; Savannah College of Art & Design; Korea Defense Veterans Association Board. He is 2004 and 2008 Presidential Elector from Georgia. He served as president of the National Korean American Federation (1991); Chairman of the 1992 Overseas Korean Conference in Berlin, Germany; In 1996, he founded the American Korean Friendship Society to strengthen unique relationship between the two nations; To encourage fellow immigrants to become active in community affairs, Mr. Park founded the Good Neighboring Foundation; With his own program “If Sunny Can, I Can,” he mentors high school dropouts at Youth Challenge Programs. He presented the commencement speeches to Class 2006 of Kennesaw State University, Class 2007 of Berry College, Rome, Georgia and 2018 of Belhaven University, Jackson, Mississippi. Sunny is laureate of Atlanta Business Hall of Fame; inducted to KATUSA Hall of Fame in Korea. He is decorated with People’s Merit by South Korean President; Volunteer Service Award by the President of the U. S.; Americanism Medal by Daughters of American Revolution; Patrick Henry Trophy by National Guards Association; Small Business Person of the Year by Atlanta Chamber of Commerce; Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Youth Foundation 2007; VanLandingham Commitment to Economic Education Award by Georgia State University; 2018 Liberty Award by Institution of Corian American Studies; 2020 Freedom Award from Georgia Public Policy Foundation. He studied at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis. He received honorary doctorate from Belhaven University. Sunny Park attends the Church of The Apostle, Atlanta, GA. source:
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