Sunny Park CKA award acceptance speech 28 Oct 2023
Good evening!
Do you know the life is like a vending machine. The more coins you
put in, the more candies drops down. Did you know that?
Thank you General Ellis for your kind introduction!
General Ellis is a true leader and a soldier of soldiers.
With General Ellis, Mrs. Jean Ellis and their lovely daughter Colonel
Deborah is here with us.
I would also like to thank to my personal friends here with us, from
Atlanta, Jacksonville, New York, and from Washington, DC.
Paul Kim, Steve Hahn, General Edmunds / Colonel Rick Dean/ Colonel
Steve Lee / Command Sergeant Major White/ Ms. Judy McKevitt/ Kiho
Kang/ AND, Sang Cho and his bride Yoonjoo from Jacksonville, FL/ and,
Jae Kim/ Michael and Sarah Park, Lee Shereve, Amanda Cho from
Atlanta/ Larry Henschel of DC!
I am here with my daughter Kathy's family from Brooklyn, NY, her
husband Rob Price, and my precious grandchildren Greyson and
Charlotte. I love you all!
I am a Republican. My dear daughter Kathy worked for the New York
Times and the Harper's Magazine.
We rarely discuss political view points because the family is more
important than the politics.
I want to thank to the members AND the leaders of CKA, in particularly
Dr. Abraham Kim and the board chair Mr. Peter Huh for outstanding leadership!
CKA in the past 12 years made grandeur achievements. We are very proud!
I am receiving the Award behalf of the first generation of Korean immigrant.
I can be bias but the first generation of Korean immigrants, have done
remarkable work to build a sturdy foundation for the future of our
ethnic group.
If you agree, please join me with a round applause to recognize the first
generation's contributions.
It was September 5, 1974, I arrived the US for the first time, and landed
a job and start working the same day, making $1.8 an hour even before
I unzip my luggage.
During last forty years, I built a business that become one of top 10
privately owned janitorial service providers in the US, with operations
in 23 major cities in the US.
Fast forward, a number of years ago, Steve Forbes, the publisher of
Forbes magazine, invited me to his yacht The Highlander for a dinner,
cruising around beautiful Boston Harbor.
I was one of his 24 guests that he was entertaining.
The guest list included former PM of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher
and Mrs. Nancy Reagan.
At one of WH state dinners I attend, than the First Lady Hillary Clinton
asked me to dance with her.
She and I swinging around the White House Rotunda.... a Republican
and a renown Democrat holds in hand in hand and dance away with the
energetic cha cha cha, the Marine Corp Chamber Orchestra plays ...
In 1998, I became a minority partner of a Morgan Stanley real estate
project in Asia.
I use these bragging stories to attract myself to young American
audiences, particularly those high school droppouts.
Our nation, the land of opportunity, is in trouble because too many,
over one million HS students dropping out each year!
I started a nonprofit called Good Neighboring Campaign. One of
programs called, "If Sunny Can, I Can" to challenge American youth do
better in finishing high school education, and become a productive citizen.
My "success" story of an Asian immigrant arrived the US with no
money and no language became a millionaire; works good in
stimulating their ego and pride.
By the way, the 3 other awardees this evening have even better stories
in helping the USA moving forward!
Congratulations to Ashley Park, James Rhee and Song Richardson!
Likewise, CKA is formed with amazing group of elites. You all should be
very proud of yourselves, decided to use this weekend for CKA mission.
I am certain that you all belong to the top 20% elites group of the
The question is: How perfect shape of 20% are you!
The imperfect 20%, like just 2 legs for a 3 legged stool, your 20% may
be useless without the other 80%. Hope you are following my English?
Ultimately, both the 80% group and the 20% group, MUST help each
other to enjoy the 100% outcome.
Dr. Kim named the award Embrace and Unity award.
I guess Abe would like to suggest us work together embrace and invest
in our neighborhoods, and unite ourselves for the betterments of our
communities and the Ship we all are in, named the US.
It is time to put more coins to the vending machine called the US.
Together, the integral Americans of Korean ancestry will be the main
components of the USA in moving forward!
Can the US count on us, is a big question!
May God bless you all, and may God bless my country, the United
States of America! Thank you!