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Sunny Park Welcomes New American Citizens in Pensacola, Florida

Sunny K Park • August 7, 2024

Take Care of Your New Country

Sunny K. Park, Founder, Good Neighboring Foundation, Inc. 

Speech to new US citizen candidates, US District Court, Pensacola, FL July 19, 2024

Good morning! 

It is a memorable day in the City of Five Flags.

I am so honored and excited to address all of you as our newest esteemed Americans at this historical Courthouse, presided over by one of the most patriotic Americans I know, Judge Davis.


Many of you know Judge Davis’s father Raymond Davis was a 4-star USMC General, he was recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor.


General Davis and his comrades fought in Korean War and saved 50+ million South Koreans. South Koreans are so thankful to all of them.

Thank you, Judge Davis, for this invitation and your kind introduction.

I liked that you used the exaggerated version of my resume.

I also want to express my gratitude to everyone serving in today’s auspicious program, as well as all the volunteers and scout members. It is truly an honor to join all of you!

I currently live in Atlanta, Georgia. I am here today with three good friends who are travelling with me to join this celebration: Mr. Sean Park, Mr. Ki Hwan Kim, Mr. Seung Kwon Suh. 

Thank you to them for accompanying me today. 

New Americans! 

Your American Dream starts today! Welcome to America!

You all look fabulous and happy!

I am Sunny Park. An American by choice. 

I still remember the morning when I became a U.S. citizen 4 decades ago.


As I left the citizenship ceremony, I kissed the ground, and looked up to the sky while waving American flag and promised my new country ONE thing:

“America, I don’t want you to lose money on me. I will try to be one of the best citizens in American history, so help me God!”

I have yet to achieve this goal, but I am still working hard to serve my neighborhoods, communities, and country.

When I first arrived the US as a Korean immigrant, I had no English ability, no money, well, I had $200, and no relatives in this country.


Despite these obstacles, I stand in front of you this morning to share that the opportunities are boundless in this great country. 

I could do it, and certainly, I believe you can do the same or more because you are living in a country where “anything IS possible.”

Once I became a US citizen, being a patriotic American was easy for me.


However, before I became a citizen, there was one decision that I had to struggle with before committing to becoming 100% loyal American. 

I believe when a person decides to become a citizen of a country, they must choose one nation to commit their complete loyalty and heart. 

As we all know, one man cannot have two wives at the same time (without getting into a lot of trouble).

I had thought perhaps about splitting my commitment to serve both my motherland of South Korea and new adopted country of the United States, but I soon realized that the United States does not deserve my divided loyalties as I read through the Oath of Allegiance.


I finally made a bold decision to put my beloved country, Korea, in my heart!

As you probably studied, America has a unique history that requires its citizens commitment and dedication. 


For example, this nation’s earliest settlers, including British immigrants, were called to bear arms and shoot rifles against their own descent, British troops, to defend this land during the Revolutionary War when the US was fighting for its independence.

The United States needs your firm and undivided loyalty as much as You need America’s protection and commitment to you!

The Oath of Allegiance is a contract between each of you and the U.S., and we should meet these obligations as citizens.

Mainly, America wants you to be a patriotic American and a valuable neighbor to others.

The bottom line, this country does not want fake Americans.

I don’t know about you, but I feel “goosebumps” every time I hear our national anthem and see the waving American flag.

As you start your journey as new Americans, I have three items to suggest each of you: 

Number one: Enjoy your freedom as a proud American.

America is the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

In this nation, you can do anything you want under the rule of law.

Please enjoy your freedom, but also please remember how freedom is being provided. It is not free.


There are millions uniformed service men and women, many of them are foreign born Americans like you and I, soldiers and first responders serve to keep our neighborhoods and our country be safe.

Number two: Make the most of the Land of Opportunity offers.

America is a unique place of opportunities. You can be very successful here if you try and work hard.

I worked 12-16 hours per day and 6 days every week for over 45 years.

It didn’t hurt me but helped me.

I challenge all of you to plan a few outrageously high personal goals for your American dream and enjoy working hard to achieve it. 

When I first arrived in the U.S., I had set a personal goal to someday pay $1 million income tax annually to my new country.

At the time, I was only making $1.80 an hour.

To reach this ambitious goal, it took me 23 years. It was not an easy task, but I had great fun striving to achieve it.


Did I hear that some of you want to know how I did it?


I can share one of my car salesman days’ stories, it will take 3 extra minutes of your time though.


One rainy day in Georgia, a family of four, a couple and two young children walked into the car dealer where I was working and looking for a new car to buy.


They were looking for a light blue Malibu Classic with 4 doors to buy.



Unfortulately, we didn’t have a light blue model in stock.

I checked other Chevy dealers in the Atlanta area but there was none in town.


The disappointed customer settled to purchase a dark blue car which we had in stock, instead.

I finished the paperwork and completed the sale.

They are to come back tomorrow to pick up the new car.


However, the family was not happy with the decision to buy a car not the color they like, light blue. I didn’t like to sell a car the customer is not happy with.


I stopped them and told them not to buy a car they are not happy with.

I promised to find a car in light blue for them.

They were puzzled but agreed with me and left.


I checked stocks at all Chevy dealers in the East Coast and found a light blue car in Knoxville, TN.


I was thrilled to find the car and imagined the family’s happy faces.


I left Atlanta At 4 AM the next day for Knoxville TN, 4-hour drive one way, swapped the car and drove the light blue car back to Atlanta, and delivered the car they were looking for a long time.


As the new car rolled out of the car dealers parking lot, I was happy to see the family was happy!


At those days, car salesmen usually make about $100 per car sales as commission.

After they left me, I checked my commission for the car sale, and I was disappointed in myself.

I only made $20 commission for 2 full days’ work and expenses for 8 hours travel.

But there was nothing I could do about it, I tried hard to forget.


Fast forward, about a month later, I received a call from the man of the family bought the light blue car. He invited me to his office to discuss the fleet sale of the company.


This gentleman was the purchasing manager of Scientific Atlanta, they make big satellite dish antennas, was small company but growing fast, later they were acquired by the tech giant Cisco.


He told me that he was impressed with my customer service and wanted to buy the company fleet, vans and trucks, from me.


To his Company in the following 2 years, I ended up selling more than 200 vehicles, and made a lot more commission than $100.

The reason I shared the story is because I want you to be happy by making others happy.


I ask you to practice the Golden Rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. If you forget, it is in the Bible, Matthew 7:12.

Number three: Take care of your Country

The United State of America is ours!


As US citizens, you will be one of owners of the U. S. 

It is like you just bought a castle as your new home.

Question. Who is going to take care of the castle? YOU!


Let me explain with an analogy. 

What do you do when you live in a temporary rental apartment and the roof starts to leak? 

You will call the management office, and they will come and fix it for you.

What do you do when you own your house and your roof leaks? Yes, no matter what time, or how heavy the rain is falling, you will be on the roof top and start making the repair.

Everything that is GOOD in this country is yours, and all that is NOT THAT GOOD like the roof leak, is also yours!


While you are enjoying American life and US citizenship rights;

If you see some garbage litter around on the street in your neighborhood? It is your duty to pick up.

You hear some people bad-mouth about the United States?

It is your duty to shut them off.


We cannot just complain but need to actively contribute to fix problems together with other Americans.

America is expecting and deserves your L O Y A L T Y, Commitment and Service!

I wish you the best, and pray for God’s blessings for each of you, and our great Nation. 

With all our active care and service together, the United States will continue to be the best place to live, and strongest nation in the world!

This Land Is Your Land! Welcome to America!

By Sunny K Park December 17, 2024
김영삼 전 대통령의 서거 소식을 들으니 그분이 미국의 한인들에게 당부한 말씀이 새삼 생각난다. 그분과는 백악관 만찬에서 잠시 만난 게 전부지만 미국 한인들의 장래를 걱정하며 과감하게 대화를 이끌던 모습이 생생하다. 그는 한국 정가를 기웃거리던 한인의 일부가 줄기차게 제기한 '교민청' 설치 요청에 확실하게 결론을 냈다. "이민 갔으면 그곳에서 뿌리내리고 잘살아라. 모국에 기대 걸어봐야 '국물'도 없다." '고국 발전에 기여하고 싶다'는 일부 한인의 희망에 대해서도 "'미꾸라지'급인 현재의 한인 사회로는 용도 미달이니 '잉어'급 정도로 커진 다음에 보자"고 했다. 그는 한인들과 만날 때마다 "현지에서 뿌리내리고 충실한 미국 국민으로 살아가라"고 당부했다. 재미 한인의 '응석'을 단호하게 거절하며 이민자로서 긍지를 갖고 살라고 주문하는 그에게 실질적 지도자라는 인상을 받았다. 지금 미국 한인 사회에서는 한국 국회의원 선거를 위한 선거인 명부 등록 캠페인이 벌어지고 있다. 머지않아 각 정당의 입후보자들이 나타나 한인회와 향우회 등을 동원해 득표 활동을 벌일 것이다. 그러면 이른바 '한인 사회 지도자'들도 덩달아 활동할 것이다. 지금 미국은 내년 대선 캠페인이 한창인데 많은 이의 관심이 이곳 생활과 직접 관련 없는 한국 총선에 가있는 듯하다. 많은 한인이 볼 때 한인 사회에서의 한국 선거운동은 우리 이민자들이 미국에 뿌리내리고 사는 데 오히려 장애가 되고 있다. 우리들이 가진 몇 표를 얻기 위해 동포 사회를 한국에서처럼 동과 서, 그리고 남과 북 출신 그룹으로 분열시키는 한국 정치인들의 염치없는 행태를 서거한 김영삼 대통령이 보았으면 무어라고 할까 궁금하다. 이민 온 우리 같은 사람들이 우선시해야 할 일은 현지 정착과 동화이다. 고국이 잘되길 바라는 마음이야 누구나 같지만, 이민을 했으면 이민자답게 그 나라 국민으로서 성숙한 모습을 보여야 한다. 우리 한인 사회의 진정한 발전을 걱정하는 한국의 정치 집단은 없다고 본다. 함량 미달 '지도자'들이 대표하는 오합지졸 한인 사회를 자신의 이익을 위해 이용하려는 자들만 있을 뿐이다. 후세를 위해 다시 한 번 결심하자. 올바른 소속감을 갖지 못하면 어디서건 쓸모없는 집단으로 남는다. 우리가 애지중지 키우고, 빚내서 공부시키는 아들 딸에게도 악영향을 준다. 출처:
By Sunny K Park December 17, 2024
박 회장, 대학 졸업식에서 축하 연설
By Sunny K Park December 5, 2024
Join us this Friday to welcome Atlanta Rotarian Sunny K. Park, Chief Executive Janitor of General Building Maintenance, President of Global Sun Investments and a member of Georgia Banking Company Board. You can join in person at Le Meridien or via Zoom at Sunny is a 2000 USO Patriot Award recipient and one of Most Influential Atlantans by JAMES Magazine and Atlanta Business Chronicle in multiple years. He is an Executive in Residence of Georgia State University, lecturing regularly. Mr. Park immigrated to the United States in 1974 with no money. Today, as an indicator of his business acumen, he has successfully achieved his goal of paying $1 million in income tax annually. A native of South Korea, served as Commissioner of the White House Advisory Commission and Vice Chairman of Georgia Ports Authority. Mr. Park serves or served multiple nonprofit boards; National Guard’s Youth Foundation that supports programs for high school dropouts; USO Georgia; National Center for Civil and Human Rights; Carter Center Board of Councilors; Atlanta Symphony Orchestra; Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation Board; Atlanta Rotary Club Board; Emeritus board member of Berry College and Junior Achievements Georgia; Serves Sandy Springs City for City Charter Review Board and Development Authority; National Museum of Patriotism Board; Georgia Public Policy Foundation; Shepherd Center Hospital; Emory University Board of Visitors; Savannah College of Art & Design; Korea Defense Veterans Association Board. He is 2004 and 2008 Presidential Elector from Georgia. He served as president of the National Korean American Federation (1991); Chairman of the 1992 Overseas Korean Conference in Berlin, Germany; In 1996, he founded the American Korean Friendship Society to strengthen unique relationship between the two nations; To encourage fellow immigrants to become active in community affairs, Mr. Park founded the Good Neighboring Foundation; With his own program “If Sunny Can, I Can,” he mentors high school dropouts at Youth Challenge Programs. He presented the commencement speeches to Class 2006 of Kennesaw State University, Class 2007 of Berry College, Rome, Georgia and 2018 of Belhaven University, Jackson, Mississippi. Sunny is laureate of Atlanta Business Hall of Fame; inducted to KATUSA Hall of Fame in Korea. He is decorated with People’s Merit by South Korean President; Volunteer Service Award by the President of the U. S.; Americanism Medal by Daughters of American Revolution; Patrick Henry Trophy by National Guards Association; Small Business Person of the Year by Atlanta Chamber of Commerce; Lifetime Achievement Award by the National Youth Foundation 2007; VanLandingham Commitment to Economic Education Award by Georgia State University; 2018 Liberty Award by Institution of Corian American Studies; 2020 Freedom Award from Georgia Public Policy Foundation. He studied at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis. He received honorary doctorate from Belhaven University. Sunny Park attends the Church of The Apostle, Atlanta, GA. source:
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